
Choosing a Microsoft Cloud Services Provider

Issue link: https://insights.oneneck.com/i/1234038

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Page 7 of 8

The CSP you choose should be able to meet you wherever you are on your application roadmap. Your CSP must be able to evaluate your current environment and determine how a cloud implementation can be used to make it more efficient and to help your business reach its goals. That means your CSP needs to know all about hardware, software, applications and services in data centers — whether on premises or in the cloud. For example, a company came to us after moving its applications "as-is" to the cloud. The company found that its database and website performance was grinding to a halt at peak times. Worse, the company was getting hit with high usage charges. We moved the company to database-as- a-service and website-as-a-service plans, both of which automatically scale to meet demand. As a result, performance improved, and the company's cloud costs dropped dramatically. Ques on #6 Does the CSP have the capabili es to meet you where you are? 8 oneneck.com "OneNeck brought a local team of highly competent cloud resources to the table that demonstrated their ability to address our design, implementa on and support concerns. Keeping our unique architecture requirements in mind, they were able to cra a solu on that not only met our needs today but would allow us to scale as those needs changed in the future." Jon Higgins Chief Technology Officer, Musicnotes.com

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