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DR planning is o en considered a component or
subset of business con nuity planning (BCP). DR
generally refers to the processes and a procedures
used to recover a er a disrup ve event and is
focused around the cri cal IT systems in organiza on.
Business con nuity planning usually includes the
func ons that need to con nue a er a disrup on so
that your business con nues to make money.
At a high level, disaster recovery planning usually
involves the following steps:
1. Iden fy the Scope and Boundaries – This is
typically the first step towards comple ng
your DR plan. Iden fying the scope involves
priori zing the cri cal systems for DR and
assigning a value to the failures of those
2. Establish the Budget – Budge ng for DR plans
can be tricky. O en you will want to do an
assessment of the costs to the business via
different disaster scenarios. Comparing different
DR Planning Basis - Where do I start?
op ons for recovery can vary the costs of the DR plan. Reducing
RPO and RTO requirements can so en the financial costs of
the DR plan, but be realis c and ensure execu ve management
understands the risks of data loss and system availability being
stretched out. Both IT and execu ve management must agree on
the budget, and IT will work within the constraints of the budget
that has been established.
3. Develop and Deploy the Plan – Developing and deploying the
plan can be the most involved part of this process. O en the
plan is actually a 'script' of ac vi es that occur in order and are
executed by a recovery team made up of resources from IT. Roles
and responsibili es are assigned in the plan as well. Deploying the
plan involves choosing the tools and technologies needed to meet
the RTO and RPO requirements established in the first step while
s ll working within the constraints of the budget.
4. Test, test, test, test – DR plans are simply not effec ve if they
are not frequently tested. Test the systems you're going to use
in recovery regularly to validate that all the pieces work. Always
record your test results and update the DR plan to address any
shortcomings. As your business environment changes, so should
your DR plan.
DR Guide -
DR in Virtualized
by Zerto
Thorough security and business
continuity strategies are crucial for
modern businesses trying to
minimize data loss and downtime.
In this booklet, OneNeck partner
Zerto provides insights in the
challenges, needs, strategies, and
available solutions for DR and BC,
especially in modern, virtualized
environments and the public cloud.
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