
Are You and Your DR Plan Feeling Lucky

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eGUIDE 11 (855) ONE-NECK | www.OneNeck.com Cloud for Disaster Recovery Today, as the cloud con nues to become more reliable and secure, many organiza ons are moving to Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service (DRaaS). DRaaS is designed to cater to businesses of every size and need. Organiza ons can subscribe to full-scale DRaaS, where the service provider manages everything from the replica on of a customer's produc on virtual machines (VMs), and in some cases physical machines, to full-service recovery once a disaster is declared. Others look for an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) model offering in which they handle their own VM replica on to the cloud and manage their own recovery. And some organiza ons simply want Backup-as-a-Service (BaaS), where the provider manages customer backups from the produc on site to the cloud. As with any service, there are cons. Here are the most significant cons of backing up your data in the cloud: You can't access your data if you don't have Internet access. Bandwidth issues – You need the right amount of bandwidth to back up large chunks of data. Large data recovery jobs will use more resources, which could ul mately increase your cost for DRaaS. Coloca on for Disaster Recovery Coloca on is an a rac ve alterna ve for organiza ons who do not want build and maintain their own facility or just aren't ready to place their data in the hands of a cloud provider. Coloca ng your disaster recovery IT infrastructure gives you peace of mind in the event of a natural disaster, power outage or other unexpected event that impacts your primary place of business. Coloca on can ensure that your offsite infrastructure and applica ons will remain available and opera onal if the unexpected happens. In addi on, with coloca on, organiza ons can reduce overhead and increase opera ng efficiencies by moving their network, servers, data storage and other equipment to a remote loca on. You'll be paying only for space and, at the same me, maintaining complete control of your equipment. Your valuable IT opera ons will be protected remotely in a secure data center. Every business is unique and has its own needs when it comes to DR. It's important to determine what's cri cal to your business and your customers to make sure you deliver on your commitments no ma er what, then select the solu on that best suits your par cular situa on. OneNeck operates nine state-of-the-art data centers located throughout the US, all of which offer superior security, redundant connec vity and climate-controlled environments ideal for your coloca on and DR needs. Our data centers are designed to give you op ons, help you lower your opera ng expenses, reduce capital expenditures, deploy solu ons faster and scale your requirements as needed.

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