
Are You and Your DR Plan Feeling Lucky

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eGUIDE 9 (855) ONE-NECK | www.OneNeck.com designed to quickly and efficiently move on-premise workloads offsite to well-managed cloud data centers, cloud infrastructure ensures data integrity. No wasted infrastructure: Rather than trying to predict and plan for capacity demands that lead to expensive servers, network gear and so ware si ng idle at a remote DR site, the cloud enables organiza ons to efficiently backup data without the added overhead. Reduced recovery me: Since DRaaS server and storage resources can be accessed on-demand, business applica ons and services can be brought online far faster than with tradi onal alterna ves. Reduced costs: Whether you have your DR hosted in the cloud or have a dedicated server in a collocated facility you have economies of scale that reduce the cost of Disaster Recovery. The overhead and administra ve hardware resources are pooled in the cloud so the costs to deliver DRaaS is o en a frac on of that associated with tradi onal DR environments. Gartner expects that more organiza ons will be using DRaaS than tradi onal, syndicated recovery services by 2018, and cloud vendors are fast addressing the opportunity. The best op ons offer: Tailored solu ons to fit your needs and budget Strong up me and SLA guarantees, ensuring your data is there when you need it. Support for both physical and virtual machines, ensuring every cri cal service and applica on can be recovered quickly and effec vely. State-of-the-art data centers, suppor ng best prac ces in redundant power and cooling, physical and cybersecurity, dedicated 24x7 staffing and more. Flexibility and scalability, spinning up new compute resources as business needs (and disasters) dictate. Every business is unique and has its own DR needs. OneNeck takes the me upfront, before implementa on, to determine what's cri cal to your business and your customers to make sure your business can con nue opera ons no ma er what. Then, we tailor our solu ons to your par cular situa on.

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