
Are You and Your DR Plan Feeling Lucky

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eGUIDE 8 (855) ONE-NECK | www.OneNeck.com The tradi onal DR method includes purchasing and loca ng dedicated servers in a remote loca on and replica ng all your mission-cri cal applica ons and data to those servers - and then crossing your fingers that you can bring it all back up as planned. Today, as the cloud con nues to become more reliable and secure, many organiza ons are moving to Disaster Recovery-as-a- service (DRaaS). DRaaS is designed to cater to businesses of every size and need. Organiza ons can subscribe to full-scale DRaaS, where the service provider manages everything from the replica on of a customer's produc on virtual machines (VMs), and in some cases physical machines, to full- service recovery once a disaster is declared. Others look for an infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) model offering in which they handle their own VM replica on to the cloud and manage their own recovery, and some organiza ons simply want backup-as-a-service (BaaS), where the provider manages customer backups from the produc on site to the cloud. Whatever flavor they choose, organiza ons that go the DRaaS route quickly find out that the cloud provides everything most businesses look for in a disaster recovery plan, including: Easy, frequent data replica on between sites: Since it's Disaster Recovery in the Cloud – Does it make sense for you? Solu on Case Study Assessing the Real-world Benefits of Hos ng and Managed Services In today's economy, every dollar ma ers. As such, every IT ac vity needs to be jus fied. This is where hosted and managed services can be an a rac ve alterna ve to tradi onal in-house IT service delivery. This case study assesses the in- house op on versus the service provider op on and lays out what you should consider during the evalua on phase. Download Now

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