
Disaster Recovery Guide_ A Primer for CIOs

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14 DISASTER RECOVERY GUIDE – POWERED BY ZERTO SECTION 2 The Zerto Revolution DR on a New Level Zerto has moved replication up the stack, from the storage layer into the virtualization/hypervisor layer. This results in an innovative hypervisor-based, virtualization-aware replication platform providing enterprise-class replication and BC/DR capabilities. Application Consistent Since applications oen consist of more than one VM, Zerto developed Virtual Protection Groups (VPGs), a unique feature that enables replication of multiple VMs together as a group. Replicating VPGs gives the ability to restore the entire group from a single point in time, consistently, and with write-order fidelity. Always-on Replication Zerto's use of Continuous Data Protection (CDP) continuously replicates I/O as it is created, delivering RPOs of seconds. Technology Agnostic Zerto is hypervisor and hardware-agnostic, removing barriers to innovation while greatly increasing efficiencies. There is no vendor lock-in so older or less expensive arrays and hypervisors can be used to further reduce costs. Additionally, it is now much easier to leverage or test new and innovative technologies, such as flash arrays.

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