IoT Security Maturity Model (SMM)

The goal of a Security Maturity Model (SMM) is to provide a path for Internet of Things (IoT)
providers to know where they need to be and how to invest appropriately in sensible security
mechanisms that meet their needs and requirements. It seeks to help organizations identify the appropriate approach for effective enhancement of these practices where needed. Deciding where to focus limited security resources is a challenge for most organizations given the complexity of a constantly changing security landscape.


As an informed understanding of the risks and threats an organization faces is the foundation of choosing and implementing appropriate security controls, the model provides a conceptual
framework to organize the myriad considerations. The framework helps an organization decide what their security target state should be and what their current state is. Repeatedly comparing the target and current states identifies where further improvement can be made.

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The Importance of Backups in Ransomware Recovery - Case Study

Learn how A&A Machine & Fabrication recovered from a ransomware attack with the help of OneNeck.

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Keep Your Business Humming, No Matter What Happens
Keep Your Business Humming, No Matter What Happens

Securely connect remote teams and facilities to maintain production during unforeseen business disruptions.