
Business Case for DRaaS eBook

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Why Traditional Disaster Recovery is No Longer Enough Backing up data onto tapes or disks and storing them off-site can no longer meet the needs of modern organizations that rely on complex systems and huge amounts of data to operate. Here are some of the limitations businesses may come across when using on-premises DR: • On-premises DR is time-consuming—recovery time can take days — and can cause data loss if not performed carefully. • It requires significant upfront investment in hardware and software along with ongoing maintenance fees. • The growing complexity of IT environments requires ongoing access to in-house expertise. • DR plans require frequent tests and updates which can be disruptive and costly. • Traditional DR solutions are hard to scale to accommodate growing data volumes and new applications, leaving your business vulnerable to threats. 6 oneneck.com 6 oneneck.com 04 6 oneneck.com

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