Case Studies

Xi Leap to ReliaCloud for DRaaS

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The Challenge With Xi Leap's end-of-life announcement, the manufacturing company needed a reliable and scalable disaster recovery solu on. They explored several op ons, including inves ng in their hardware for on-premises or coloca on setups. However, they preferred to avoid the capital expenditures and management complexi es associated with these alterna ves. Having ini ally chosen Xi Leap for its OpEx model, the company sought a similar service to replace it. Addi onally, they were looking for a way to free up internal IT resources by offloading disaster recovery management. The OneNeck ® IT Solu ons Answer ReliaCloud DRaaS was introduced as a poten al alterna ve. This solu on, powered by Nutanix, provided a comparable service to Xi Leap with added flexibility and customiza on op ons. OneNeck worked closely with the company to understand their requirements, tailoring the solu on to meet their needs and ensuring strict RTOs and RPOs were met. With cost being a chief considera on, reserve nodes were deployed to decrease opera onal expenses. ReliaCloud was carefully installed and configured, including the ini al network setup required for replica on. Finally, assistance in repoin ng the company's Nutanix replica on policies was provided, ensuring a seamless transi on to the new environment. To maximize efficiency, the company opted for managed DR services, u lizing OneNeck's experienced team to aid in establishing recovery policies, developing detailed runbooks, and execu ng procedures in a disaster scenario. The client was pleased with the migra on's outcome, apprecia ng the improved recovery capabili es and opera onal efficiency. The ability to offload the complexi es of DR management and maintenance by op ng for managed DR services was highly appreciated, allowing the company's IT team to focus on other cri cal business opera ons. The Company OneNeck IT Solu ons partnered with a manufacturing company known for producing a wide range of high-quality machinery for industrial applica on. Due to con nued growth, the company needed a robust and scalable disaster recovery (DR) solu on. A er Nutanix's end-of-life announcement for their current disaster recovery solu on, Xi Leap, the company required a new, reliable service to ensure business con nuity and opera onal efficiency. Case Study Migra on to ReliaCloud DRaaS A seamless transi on from Nutanix Xi Leap About OneNeck IT Solu ons OneNeck IT Solu ons LLC specializes in hybrid IT solu ons. This includes cloud and hos ng solu ons, managed services, enterprise applica on management, professional IT services, hardware and top- er data centers in Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Minnesota, Oregon and Wisconsin. OneNeck's nearly 500 professionals manage world- class, hybrid IT infrastructures and applica ons for businesses around the country. 855.ONENECK ©2024 OneNeck IT Solu ons LLC. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respec ve owners.

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