
DRaaS Implementation Guide

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SECTION 3: Creating a DR Plan Create a detailed DR plan that outlines the steps and sequence of recovery actions: Design the Target DR Site: Configure the target DR site to match your production environment as closely as possible. Develop Custom Scripts: If necessary, create custom scripts to automate recovery processes. Align with Existing Procedures: Ensure the new DRaaS works seamlessly with your recovery procedures. Assemble DR Team: Form a team with clear recovery roles and responsibilities. Initial and Ongoing Testing Testing is essential to validate the effectiveness of your DR plan: ▪ Select Snapshots and Validate Failover: Choose specific snapshots and perform failover tests to ensure systems can be recovered as planned. ▪ Update and Retest: If any issues are found during testing, update the DR plan until it is reliable and consistent. ▪ Test Regularly: Schedule regular tests to validate the DR plan's effectiveness. ▪ Document and Implement Changes: Integrate any changes into your existing procedures. 4 1 2 3 5 oneneck.com 03 5 oneneck.com

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