
DRaaS Implementation Guide

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SECTION 1: Introduction Data is the lifeblood of your business, driving decision-making, enabling customer interactions, and supporting daily operations. However, as data becomes increasingly central to business functions, it becomes more vulnerable. Unplanned incidents such as natural disasters, cyberattacks, human errors, and hardware failures can lead to significant data loss and operational disruptions. Recovering quickly from these disasters requires a well-thought-out disaster recovery (DR) plan. A robust DR plan outlines the procedures and resources needed to restore data and resume critical business functions after a disruption. However, developing and maintaining such a plan can be costly and resource-intensive, often requiring significant investment in infrastructure and dedicated personnel. Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) offers an ideal solution for many small- to mid-sized businesses. DRaaS provides a cloud- based approach to disaster recovery, allowing companies to leverage advanced technologies and expert management without traditional DR methods' high costs and complexity. 3 oneneck.com 3 oneneck.com 01

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