
Azure Data Storage Data Lake

Issue link: https://insights.oneneck.com/i/1520889

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Azure Storage Use Cases Azure Storage caters to a broad spectrum of industry needs. Here are some real-world applications, showcasing how businesses leverage Azure Storage to overcome challenges and achieve operational excellence. Mining Industry: Drone Footage Storage A mining company faced significant challenges with its on-premise storage infrastructure, which crashed under the weight of 12 terabytes of drone footage. The incident highlighted issues related to capital expenditure and the inherent limitations of physical servers. Transitioning to Azure Files offered a robust solution, eliminating server costs and ensuring unparalleled reliability. The move not only provided cost savings but also enhanced data accessibility, allowing the company to analyze drone footage from any location with internet access, a critical factor for operational agility in the mining sector. Manufacturing Sector: File Share Modernization A manufacturing company sought to divest from the data center business, prioritizing the migration of its file shares to a more reliable and cost- effective platform. Azure Storage, with its SMB file shares, emerged as an ideal solution. This transition enabled employees to map their drives to Azure Storage, moving away from traditional, hardware-dependent setups. The shift not only reduced the company's reliance on physical infrastructure but also eliminated the need for managing backups, as these were seamlessly integrated into the Azure service, resulting in significant cost savings and operational efficiency. Software Development: Event Log Management A manufacturing firm utilized a high-cost Azure SQL instance for storing event logs, leading to a staggering monthly expense of $10,000. Adopting Azure Table Storage for NoSQL storage of event logs marked a transformative shift, drastically reducing the cost to a mere $100 a month. This strategic move not only exemplified cost efficiency but also underscored Azure Storage's capability to provide scalable, high- performance solutions for data management challenges commonly faced in software development. Analytics Optimization: Data Lake and Synapse Integration A business grappling with performance issues due to continuous analytics queries on its production database found relief in ADLS and Synapse Analytics. By batch processing data transfers to a data lake and conducting analytics in Synapse, the company alleviated stress on its primary database, enhancing overall system performance. This integration not only optimized analytics workflows but also ensured that core business operations remained uninterrupted, demonstrating the power of Azure Storage in facilitating efficient data management and analytics strategies. 11 oneneck.com 11 oneneck.com 03

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