
Fortra Alert Logic MDR Enhancing your Capabilities

Issue link: https://insights.oneneck.com/i/1517358

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Enhancing Your Response Capabilities Fortra.com Challenges of Effective Response People: There are more than 3 million unfilled security jobs** making it extremely challenging to find and keep skilled security professionals. Additionally, according to a report by 451 Research, 86% of organizations have a skills gap when it comes to the cloud.*** Process: Introducing a new process or integrating with an existing process creates challenges. There are various tools in use; the assets need to be inventoried and categorized; and critical stakeholders need to be identified before the workflow is created. The workflow also needs to be proactively managed to improve efficiency and efficacy. Technology: It's common for mid-sized and smaller enterprises to have more than 20 security tools. Many have overlapping capabilities, and even with skilled security staff, there is a high probability of not getting full value from each tool. There also are unintended misconfigurations that either are created or inherited across your IT estate Simple Noti�ication Noti�ication with Guidance and Recommendations Containment/ Blocking Remediation/ Eradication Recovery/ Restoration Breach Management Once notiied, security or IT teams must translate their own response. Ideal for a robust and experienced security team that wants to control response from end to end. Provides prescriptive analysis along with guidance and recommendations for response, enabling IT and security teams to contextualize threats and prioritze response eforts . Spanning manual, semi-automated, and fully automated response actions that include disabling accounts, pushing coniguration changes, and isolating compromised hosts. With the goal of fully eradicating the threat from the customer's IT ecosystem and preventing reoccurrence, remediation takes various forms — manual and automated actions, consultative services, and boots on the ground for more complex situations. A distinct discipline that is typically outside the scope of services ofered by threat detection and response providers. May be ofered as a professional s ervice or through partners. A distinct discipline that is typically outside the scope of services ofered by threat detection and response providers. May be ofered as a professional service or through partners. Figure 1: Overview — types of response from threat detection and response providers Source: 451 Research Page 4

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