Comparison Guide: Azure Backup vs Commvault Cloud vs Veeam
Overview of Leading Backup Solu ons
To start the comparison, here's a high-level overview of the features, func onality, and differen ators of Azure Backup, Commvault
Cloud, and Veeam.
Azure Backup
Azure Backup offers secure, out-of-the-box, resource-specific backup solu ons in the cloud for Azure virtual machines (VMs), SQL databases
and workloads, and file shares, as well as enhanced backup for organiza ons that use Microso products. It also offers geo-redundant
storage — i.e., the ability to store your backup data in different regions and loca ons, so that if one loca on goes down, your data is backed
up in a secondary loca on.
Because Azure Backup is deeply integrated with the Azure ecosystem, it's an easy, no-frills, one-click solu on if you already use Azure. It
protects your data and checks the compliance boxes while allowing you to manage your backup processes through the Azure portal.
Strategic Differen ator:
All of Azure's backup solu ons are air-gapped, meaning
there's no connec on between the target resource and
the backup. The only access to the backup is through
the Microso interface so that if a service that's being
backed up is compromised, the backup won't be
compromised as well.
Commvault Cloud
Commvault Cloud (formerly known as Metallic) is a So ware as a Service (SaaS)-based, cloud-na ve backup solu on that simplifies
and speeds up deployment and management. It covers diverse workloads — efficiently protec ng everything from SaaS applica ons to
enterprise data to hybrid cloud environments — and offers customizable recovery op ons for different data loss scenarios.
Commvault Cloud is also highly scalable, enabling you to adapt to increasing data demands with minimal overhead, minus the complexity
that's o en associated with on-premise environments. This makes Commvault Cloud suitable for a range of organiza on sizes.
Strategic differen ator:
Commvault Cloud's dedupe capabili es reduce data backup storage costs. Commvault Cloud stores only one copy of a backup, which
helps eliminate the guessing game that comes with predic ng data usage and storage from one month to the next and vastly reduces
Strategic Differen ator:
Commvault Cloud's dedupe capabili es reduce data
backup storage costs. Commvault Cloud stores only one
copy of a backup, which helps eliminate the guessing
game that comes with predic ng data usage and storage
from one month to the next and vastly reduces costs.
⁵ Microsoft Azure Backup Reviews: https://www.gartner.com/reviews/market/enterprise-backup-and-recovery-software-solutions/vendor/microsoft/product/microsoft-azure-backup
⁶ Commvault Cloud Reviews: h ps://www.gartner.com/reviews/market/enterprise-backup-and-recovery-so ware-solu ons/vendor/commvault/product/commvault-cloud