
The Financial Service CIO of 2025

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T H E F I N A N C I A L S E R V I C E S C I O O F 2 0 2 5 | 9 Converting IT from Cost Center to Profit Center Cost savings has long been the number-one driver of IT innovation. But that's changing. Across industries, today's CIOs are focusing more on revenue-generating opportunities, as technology is increasingly viewed as a key driver of business growth rather than just a way to squeeze inefficiencies out of operations. Within one year, 89 percent believe they will have revenue-generating responsibilities in addition to their traditional IT ones. For example, banks can boost existing customer engagement by providing adjacent services to traditional banking products, such as accounts-receivables management and cash-flow analyses to small or mid-sized businesses. Additionally, most financial services firms have immensely rich stores of demographic and customer-purchasing data. This data can be used for value added services, and analytics can be converted into important sources of new revenue and upsell opportunities. In short, the CIOs surveyed expect the technical expertise they develop internally will be useful in the market both to customers and to other financial services companies going through digital transformations. $ € € $ Within one year, nearly 89 percent of financial services CIOs surveyed expect to have revenue-generating responsibilities in addition to their traditional IT responsibilities. 89% 34%

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