
The Most Common Mistakes in Disaster Recovery

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Cost-effec ve Traditional DR solutions require significant hardware, software, infrastructure, maintenance and support investment. DRaaS is subscription-based and eliminates the need for substantial upfront expenses. Organizations can choose the level of service they require and pay only for what they use without investing in additional infrastructure. Flexible Provides greater flexibility and agility versus traditional solutions. Providers offer recovery options, including on-premises, cloud and hybrid solutions. This variety means organizations can choose the recovery option that best suits their needs without being tied to specific locations or infrastructures. Highly Scalable A perfect fit for growing or shifting organizations. With traditional DR solutions, organizations must purchase additional infrastructure as needs evolve, which can be time- consuming and expensive. Purchasing hardware for DR that sits idle, waiting for a potential DR event, is inefficient and costly. DRaaS allows organizations to quickly and easily scale up or down as needed. Support Ideal for companies lacking expertise or resources to manage traditional DR solutions. It provides a wide array of support, including testing, monitoring and management, helping organizations ensure their DR solution is up-to-date and functional. Businesses can be confident their data and applications are secure and available via robust security measures, including encryption, multifactor authentication and continuous monitoring. The Benefits of Data Recovery as a Service 10 oneneck.com 10 oneneck.com 03 10 oneneck.com

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