
The Most Common Mistakes in Disaster Recovery

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Lack of a Disaster Recovery Plan One of the biggest mistakes companies make is not taking DR seriously and failing to allocate sufficient resources and attention to the process. Many businesses have a DR plan wholly inadequate for their needs or fail to have one. Organizations believe disasters are unlikely to happen or the impacts will be minor and therefore do not invest the time, money and effort required. However, such complacency is dangerous, as disasters can occur anytime and have far-reaching consequences for the unprepared. Additionally, there often needs to be clarity about what constitutes a DR plan. Many assume that data backup and disaster recovery are interchangeable. While both are critical components of business continuity, it is essential to note that they are NOT the same. To read further about the differences, check out Data Backup vs. Disaster Recovery: Why Knowing the Difference Matters 1 5 oneneck.com 5 oneneck.com 02

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