
The Most Common Mistakes in Disaster Recovery

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Lack of Training and Awareness Programs Without proper training, staff members may not understand their roles and responsibilities during a disaster, leading to confusion and delays in recovery. Moreover, staff members unaware of the DR plan may not be able to recognize potential risks and threats, leaving the organization exposed to additional vulnerabilities. An effective, comprehensive training and awareness program should cover the DR plan's contents, processes, members' roles and responsibilities. Additionally, frequent training and awareness ensure staff is up-to-date on all changes. Not Considering the Cloud Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) is cloud-based and provides comprehensive disaster recovery solutions. Providers offer various support options to organizations, including backup and recovery, replication, failover and testing, making DRaaS an attractive option for organizations looking to improve DR capabilities. Organizations with limited IT resources or complex IT environments should particularly consider DRaaS. Cloud-based DR provides cost-effective, fast, reliable and scalable solutions, allowing companies to focus on core business activities while protecting critical data and applications. 7 8 8 oneneck.com 8 oneneck.com 02 8 oneneck.com

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