
3 Ransomware Readiness Essentials for Financial Service Providers

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Three data protec on essen als A robust security and data protec on posture aims at both keeping data safe and recoverable from ransomware a ack. It requires a proac ve and mul -faceted approach to layered security. The most effec ve data protec on includes three primary components: access control, data protec on (preserva on), and rapid recovery a er a malicious a ack. Protec on Preserva on Recovery 6 Advanced security. A sound data protec on strategy starts at its founda on. Hardened security and zero-trust access controls, including mul factor authen ca on, advanced data encryp on and privacy locks, limit authorized access to data. They can also ins ll stringent security standards and privacy protocols (including HIPAA, ISO27001, GDPR and SOC 2). Early detec on. AI-powered anomaly detec on provides capabili es that spot suspicious ac vity before ransomware can successfully access data. By recognizing anomalous ac vi es, users, and administrators are no fied of abnormal file pa ern behavior and can proac vely prevent a breach. Backed by proven infrastructure. Cybersecurity experts should support trusted data protec on solu ons and adhere to global, regional, government, and industry compliance. This approach establishes durability, scale, and performance as a cri cal component in the founda on of your backup solu ons. Backup immutability. While malicious a acks can encrypt business data in produc on environments, separate and immutable backups maintain a protected data copy in an isolated loca on. This ensures backup copies of data can be preserved and are not subject to being altered or deleted in the event of a breach. Isolated backups not only protect pa ent and opera onal data but can support poten al compliance audits and defending against liability claims. Air-gapped service. While isolated backups securely store copies of your data from bad actors, it is also impera ve that your backup service (itself) remains air- gapped. This is a cri cal but o en overlooked element, as both backup and restore opera ons should be separate and not suscep ble to ransomware a acks that successfully penetrate customer environments. High performance. Financial services solutions must support the most rapid data recovery possible. Features such as high networking bandwidth, built-in deduplica on, compression, and bandwidth op miza on eliminate redundancies while ensuring data copies are highly available for quick and reliable restora on. Fast recovery reduces costly down mes and helps meet recovery SLAs. A er a successful a ack, an immediate resump on of opera ons is most cri cal for financial services sectors. In this business, companies measure me in milliseconds and carry out millions of transac ons daily. Un mely resump on of opera ons could result in the loss of customers and business partners' trust and business. Speed and precision. Granular search and flexible recovery op ons enable faster recovery with accuracy. A cloud-based control dashboard allows admins to restore their data even if they lose the produc on environment. Speed and accuracy of recovery helps ins tu ons retain customer confidence and maintain compliance.

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