
3 Ransomware Readiness Essentials for Financial Service Providers

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Visit oneneck.com today to learn more Sources: 1. Venture Beat, January 2022. "Report: 60% of U.S. infosec professionals believe ransomware is as serious as terrorism." 2. ComputerWeekly.com, July 2020. "Financial services top cyber-a ack target." 3. PurpleSec, April 2022, "Cyber Security Sta s cs: The Ul mate List Of Stats Data, & Trends For 2022" 4. Coveware, October 2022. "Uber Verdict Raises New Risks for Ransom Payments." 5. Boston Consul ng Group, June 2019. "Global Wealth 2019: Reigni ng Radical Growth." 6. VMware Carbon Black, May 2020. "Modern Bank Heists 3.0." 7. The New York Times, January 9, 2020. "Hackers Cripple Airport Currency Exchanges, Seeking $6 Million Ransom." 8. Sophos, April 2022 "The State of Ransomware in Financial Services 2022." 9. InvenioIT, January 2020. "9 in 10 Financial Ins tu ons Targeted by Ransomware." 8 Copyright 2023 OneNeck IT Solu ons LLC. All rights reserved. OneNeck respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects You to do the same. It is a viola on of this Acceptable Use Policy to use the Service to unlawfully transmit or store copyrighted material. If OneNeck has a reasonable belief, in its sole judgment, that You have violated this Acceptable Use Policy, OneNeck may take any ac on it deems appropriate, which may include, without limita on, no fying You of a suspected viola on, suspending your account, or termina ng your account. These ac ons are in addi on to and not instead of any and all other remedies that we may have against You under the law. Metallic and OneNeck leverage a hardened, mul - layered approach to security. It provides robust controls to both protect and preserve data from external and internal threats, while ensuring data is highly available and recoverable. Metallic BaaS stores data in the cloud with air-gap security that delivers a usable copy for rapid recovery and minimal disrup on to opera ons. As a securely architected solu on provider, OneNeck delivers the data security and controls necessary for data moderniza on in today's evolving financial services IT landscape. OneNeck's superior 24/7 enterprise support with proac ve management and monitoring for Commvault's Metallic DMaaS por olio enhances Metallic's self-service management capabili es to boost storage configura on and backup efficiencies and minimize down mes. Entrust your confiden al financial data to a team of Microso -cer fied experts whose deep technical knowledge derived from OneNeck's Microso Gold Partnership will improve the opera onal efficiency for protec ng your firm's backbone, your Microso and Azure infrastructure. Let OneNeck be your greatest ally, as our direct access to service and support advisors at Microso and financial and insurance industry exper se empowers our team to help your firm keep moving forward. We've got your back. Hybrid is the new norm. And while there are many paths to the cloud, Metallic BaaS and OneNeck provide breadth of coverage across on-premises and cloud environments, helping secure your data, maximize your investments, and adopt new workloads throughout your journey to the cloud. Metallic is purpose-built to keep you compliant and is capable of mee ng internal requirements, reten on SLAs, and prevailing local, global, regional, and government data handling standards. Ransomware protec on Enhance financial services data management with OneNeck IT Solu ons Hybrid cloud adop on Data compliance

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