
3 Ransomware Readiness Essentials for Financial Service Providers

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Ransomware is an unwelcome reality in the digital universe, primarily in regulated industries that handle or manage sensi ve customer data. And while financial services companies go to great lengths to secure their data, they are not immune to cybera ack. In reality, they can be a primary target for bad actors, as financial services firms are 300 mes as likely as other companies to be targeted by cybera acks. 1 Unfortunately, ransomware is here to stay, but it's not all doom and gloom. With a proac ve and well-rounded approach to data protec on, financial service ins tu ons can effec vely mi gate the risk of data loss and rapidly recover from poten al a ack. Introduc on Table of Contents Introduc on: 2 The rapid evolu on of ransomware: 3 The financial services impact: 4 Raising the threat level: 5 Three data protec on essen als: 6 Future-proof data protec on with Metallic and OneNeck: 7-8 Next steps: 8 2

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