
3 Ransomware Readiness Essentials for Manufacturers

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Raising the threat level As in the case of many other tradi onal business sectors, the manufacturing industry is ripe for disrup on. Today's manufacturers face new internal and external factors that further complicate safeguarding business, customer, and supplier data. Internal condi ons, such as fragmented internal produc vity tools, separate applica ons and support for different produc on facili es, and disparate data storage proper es, increase the targets that a ackers can seek. Combined with new, sophis cated ransomware tac cs, this only further increases risk of data loss. 5 An edge-to-cloud robust data protec on strategy is essen al for the efficient protec on of valuable data. Threat #1 Data Sprawl and Silos Threat #2 Cybercrime Ac vity Threat #3 Rapid Tech Advancements More data in more places introduce new vulnerabili es, especially with an increasingly remote workforce and rapid endpoint device expansion. Ransomware a acks and other cybercrime is consistently growing to pace the expansion of technological advances and new tools. New so ware applica ons and hardware pla orms are being created and implemented faster than protec ve solu ons.

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