
3 Ransomware Readiness Essentials for Manufacturers

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Ransomware is an unwelcome reality in the digital universe and a growing concern in highly complex industries, such as manufacturing. No individual or ins tu on is immune, requiring manufacturers to strategize on how to keep their valuable and sensi ve data safe. In fact, the manufacturing industry has long been a focal point for cybera ack, as nearly 300 manufacturers suffered data leaks caused by a ransomware a ack in 2021, nearly a 50% increase compared to 2020. 1 While ransomware is here to stay, it's not all doom and gloom. With a proactive and multifaceted approach to data protection, manufacturers can mi gate the risk of data loss and deliver a high-level of business con nuity in the face of new and emerging threats. Introduc on Table of Contents Introduc on: 2 The rapid evolu on of ransomware: 3 The growing impact on manufacturing: 4 Raising the threat level: 5 Three data protec on essen als: 6 Future-proof data protec on with Metallic and OneNeck: 7-8 Next steps: 8 2

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