
Modernizing IT for business transformation – your HPE Compute solution guide-a50004030enw

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For the human element, potential challenges include lack of corporate understanding and vision for DX, not placing customer value over corporate value, the inability to work across silos, having a risk-averse culture, and lacking the talent and skills required to deliver the transformation. Further complicating organizational progress are global health concerns that have irrevocably changed the workplace. Today, every CEO needs to enable a secure and fluid remote workforce. For work that cannot be done remotely, leaders also need new ways to implement work environments that safely unleash workers' potential—and employees expect leaders to deliver on that promise. Doing so requires greater intelligence and control related to health and safety at work. From a technology perspective, headwinds to DX include the inability to experiment quickly due to limited access to flexible IT, the lack of strong cybersecurity capabilities, which inhibit scaling new digital workloads, and the burden of inflexible legacy IT systems and software. 3 Legacy systems must also address the massive data growth at the core—and increasingly at edge locations, where up to 75% of enterprise data is projected to be created by 2025. 4 The combined headwinds from human, technology, and data factors are culminating in a new set of customer requirements for computing. Solution guide 3 "The Two Big Reasons That Digital Transformations Fail," HBR, 2019. 4 Global Market Insights Report, Gartner, 2019.

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