
The 7 Dimensions of Security Culture

Issue link: https://insights.oneneck.com/i/1476862

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Page 26 of 43

27 The 7 dimensions of security culture Communication can be improved by various techniques, from improving the exist- ing channels to improving sense-of-belonging through team building activities and other techniques such as: Keep members informed. Attitudes towards security measures are more likely to be built in a positive manner if members understand the necessity of the various steps that are made to secure the organization and its assets. Share what steps are being taken, why they're important, and what impact they will have (on the business as a whole, and on them individually). Resonate with your audience. Whether you are addressing senior management or front-line staff, it is important the information is provided in a way that is digestible and relevant to them. Listen to their concerns. Find out what is important to them and why. When explaining why certain security measures are important, be sure to communicate why they are important for them, for example, explain how the measure will affect their work, how will they benefit, and what impact it will have on them). Speak using language that resonates with your target audience. Encourage positive expression. The more often an attitude is expressed the stronger it becomes 62 , whereas an attitude that is not expressed frequently is likely to be weakly held. Build a network of security ambassadors across different business areas. Encourage and support security champions. Tips for positively influencing communication

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