
Transforming Healthcare without Sacrificing Security

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Healthcare Digitization is the Wave of the Future The normalization of mobile apps means the patient has more knowledge at their fingertips than ever before. This means that the industry is evolving at a fast clip due to evergreen startups that are continuing to make a push into a historically rigid industry. In order to keep up, organizations with many years of skin in the game will need to evolve their infrastructure or be left behind. The legacy systems currently used for patient storage result in a stale infrastructure that can't evolve with the patient's own capabilities. By implementing cloud storage solutions that can connect with various APIs, patients can have much easier access to their healthcare information. Unfortunately, completely "lifting and shifting" over to a hosted cloud solution is neither feasible nor advisable as there are still some legacy IT functionalities that need access to patient information and have not been completely modernized. The format of healthcare delivery to patients is undergoing many changes in order to accommodate a new GENERATION OF PATIENT CARE. 3 oneneck.com 01 3 oneneck.com 01

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