
Cloud Migration and Modernization with Microsoft Azure

Issue link: https://insights.oneneck.com/i/1443186

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Page 7 of 13

8 Planning for cloud migration and modernization We started by looking at which environmental machines weren't being used. We quickly looked at the utilization of machines and large storage accounts. These things were costing us high amounts of money and weren't being used very often or at all. Define your strategy Define and document your motivations Document business outcomes and motivations, such as exiting your datacenter, increasing cost saving, or designing for greater agility. Involve and align key stakeholders Facilitate a smoother, faster migration that meets organizational goals by enlisting broad support. Create a center of excellence with a cross- functional team made up of IT, finance, and business owners. Engage a cloud migration and modernization partner Augment your cloud skillset and reduce risk as you migrate and modernize your workloads. Team up with a managed service provider that offers support through the entire process and beyond. Ian Margetts Infrastructure Services Lead ASOS

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