Governing, managing
and securing your cloud
Govern and secure your workloads
Get visibility into, and more control over, your security posture
Quickly detect and respond to threats across hybrid environments
with intelligent threat protection from a solution like the Azure
Security Center.
Build and scale your apps and workloads quickly while
maintaining control
Establish and maintain the right mix of standard and custom policies
to govern your cloud subscriptions and resources compliantly.
Manage and cost-optimize your cloud environments
Become familiar with the tools, offers, and guidance from your
cloud provider
Monitor and adjust cloud spend and drive operational efficiencies
with exclusive offers such as reserved instance discounts or reuse your
on-premises licenses in the cloud.
Simplify management
Manage your workloads across all environments with a solution like
Azure Arc. Monitor workload performance with real-time insights and
trends. Help ensure your workloads stay protected with cloud backup
and disaster recovery solutions.
Operation resources
Secure and manage Govern
Optimize costs
Azure Security Center
Azure Sentinel
Azure Arc
Azure Monitor
Azure Backup
Cloud governance with the
Cloud Adoption Framework
Azure Policy
Azure Blueprints
Pay less with Azure
Blog: Seven ways to optimize
costs with Azure
Azure Cost Management
Azure pricing calculator
Azure Hybrid Benefit
Azure Reservations
Azure Advisor
accelerates its
move to the
cloud, sharpens
competitive edge
with SAFeĀ® built
on Azure DevOps
This leading provider of
marine services in the
energy sector sought a
faster, more agile, more
scalable IT infrastructure,
and toward that end,
found Azure the ideal
cloud platform. "Azure
was the right choice
for us, as it provides a
platform where we can
harvest the benefits a
hundred times faster
than on traditional
hardware," said Kasper
Thiesen, Head of IT.
"It also gives us the
flexibility and ownership
of our operations that
we needed, alongside
reducing the costs of
running our datacenter
by at least 20 percent."
Read the full story