
End User Computing - A Hybrid Multicloud Approach

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Page 18 of 36

19 Converged Infrastructure A converged infrastructure (CI) alternative is an architecture that was brought to market around 2010. Converged infrastructure offerings typically offer the same products that might be selected as part of the BYO alternative, and package them together into a productized solution. This means that a CI vendor will include computer, storage, and networking in their offering. Typically, most CI offerings contain products from multiple vendors and be included as part of a single offering, or a vendor can offer all the layers of a CI offering from their own product line. Figure 3 illustrates a simple example of a converged infrastructure alternative. Figure 3: Converged Infrastructure Network Compute (CPU / Memory) Hypervisor / Bare Metal Network Storage Array Management Storage Network (SAN) Core Services A converged infrastructure offering will enable you to purchase familiar products that have been packaged into a single solution. This can be thought of as a reference architecture that can be purchased as a product. Depending on the CI product that is evaluated, the product may or may not offer any additional convergence than if you purchased the products separately in a BYO alternative.

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