
End User Computing - A Hybrid Multicloud Approach

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10 Architectural Principles 10 The flip side of this is that if an organization is going to deploy 10,000 users, but only intends to start with 500 users and scale up at a steady pace over the project timeline. They are going to look more closely at the cost of the initial infrastructure deployment at this size over taking a larger first step. The per-user cost at this size can hold steady as the environment scales, or it can look really skewed in the beginning, due to a larger starting infrastructure spend. While per-user cost can be seen as vague and almost irrelevant as a factor to determine your infrastructure costs, you are going to be asked about this when trying to sell the project to the business or justifying your infrastructure selection to leadership. If you choose an alternative that has a higher up-front user cost, you need to be prepared to explain the details. Evaluate solutions that you believe would be better suited for your environment. Otherwise, be prepared to define the decision on how costs will play out. A sample of these two scenarios is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Entry Points Per Desktop 500 Users $250 2500 Users $250 2000 Users $250 $500 $2000 1000 Users $250 $1500 1500 Users $250 $1000

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