
End User Computing - A Hybrid Multicloud Approach

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36 Another reason one would design for multiple virtualization clusters besides environment size would be for different workloads. There are different workloads within the VDI clusters. If there is a significant amount of 1 vCPU and 2 vCPU virtual desktops, one should design a separate cluster for each. Figure 7 illustrates a multi-cluster design approach. This enables one to manage the CPU ratio differently in each cluster, allowing for an easier to manage design. If one was to blend the different CPU configurations, there would be a new blended ratio that would need to be calculated and that just confuses things. Figure 7: Management and Desktop clusters The use of GPUs can be another reason to consider a dedicated cluster for GPU users. You can mix GPU and non-GPU users in the same cluster, but this can make the operations and scheduling of these users a little more complex. If you have enough GPU users to meet the minimum requirements for a small cluster then it's usually worth doing so. Management 1 vCPU VM 2 vCPU VM Management cluster Provides resources to all non-desktopworkloads in the design. Desktop clusters Discrete clusters allow for management of diā€¢erent CPU configurations for virtual desktops.

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