Breadth of Solu ons
Enterprises need the flexibility to leverage a
variety of professional services without adding
unnecessary complexity. Many organiza ons
find that using mul ple services vendors hinders
agility. To preserve future flexibility, require
that any prospec ve provider offers access to
the latest technology and a thorough suite of
professional services including, but not limited to-
IT assessment services, network implementa ons,
data center op miza on and project management.
Considera ons When Selec ng a
Professional Services Provider
Deep Skill & Experience
The right IT partner has the exper se, experience,
and financial strength to meet your needs now,
and in the future. A professional services provider
should have deep exper se and be able to
provide immediate value on projects ranging from
technology deployments to full ecosystem design,
implementa on and management.
Policy & Process
A services provider should employ proven
service methodologies and technical
frameworks to provide the founda on to
promote alignment with industry standards
and should be willing to share example
documenta on.
Financial Stability and Reputa on
Select a provider that is a well-established,
stable business. Check customer reten on
numbers and financial history, as well as
growth in a variety of ver cal markets. Ensure
providers can back up their claims with
customer references and quan fied success
The poten al benefits of professional services can be achieved by selec ng the right provider—one
that can demonstrate the ability to provide skills, processes and resources that exceed your in-house
capabili es. When you evaluate professional services providers, consider the following criteria: