
Power Platform

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The rise of the citizen-developer Speed is the name of the game in business. Today, most businesses that prioritize speed and efficiency — beating competitors to market with new product development and launches, sales and customer service responsiveness, or simply making smarter business decisions faster — depend on a range of custom applications and services. But custom apps purpose-built to process and operationalize the influx of enterprise data today's organizations produce and consume are too time- and resource-consuming for internal software development teams to handle and third-party custom development is too expensive for many corporate IT budgets. Instead, businesses need an alternative to spreading their best people too thin or high-priced outsourced developers. Microsoft Power Platform provides a range of low-code and no-code solutions to help companies leverage the rise of the "citizen developer" — everyday business users with no formal development training — and empower their internal business users to create their own apps for a range of business cases with little or no IT intervention. over 50% of med m o e ent er es have adopted low-code or no-code applica on pla orms. Costello, Ka e. "Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Low-Code Development Technologies Market to Grow 23% in 2021." Gartner.com. February 26, 2021. oneneck.com

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