Too much data, too many
apps, and not enough manpower
Today's enterprises create, consume, and have access to more data than at any
me in history. Every day, private users and businesses generate massive amounts
of data and by 2025, experts es mate that daily figure to reach 463 exabytes of
data created daily.
("How much data is generated each day?" April 17, 2019.)
But too often, companies eager to leverage that data to optimize everything from
sales and marketing practices to supply chain management, security, and other vital
aspects of their operation run into one particularly frustrating question: "How?"
Today, enterprise data comes from myriad sources — social media and websites,
enterprise applications like CRMs or ERPs, and even from sales and customer service
teams. It's a potential treasure trove of insights and influential information but getting
the right data to the right people in the most usable format remains a constant
Imagine a route delivery driver who, at each stop or at shift's end, manually fills out
a paper log, then enters the log information into a database — or relies on another
team member to manually enter the data.
All the data about the day's route like new orders, contract renewals, or customer
feedback should be combined with other data entries to create a valuable set of
data ready for analysis, but the nature of manual data entry invites costly data entry
errors or omissions and dramatically the possibility of ruining reporting, analyses, and
business intelligence accuracy.
From 2020 to 2022,
ot ent er e
consump on and crea on
ol mes increase n
er e of 42.2%
"Total enterprise data volume worldwide from
2020 to 2022, by loca on." Sta Jan 11, 2021