
Critical Security Best Practices

Issue link: https://insights.oneneck.com/i/1401514

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5 oneneck.com Data breaches exposed 36 BILLION RECORDS in the first half of 2020. RiskBased Security like multi-factor authentication (MFA) and continuous security awareness training. ▪ Process: Consistent and documented processes are imperative in effective cyber hygiene. This includes software and hardware inventory, regular patching, frequent analysis of network/software control and admin privileges, secure configurations, monitoring and analysis. ▪ Technology: While people and process are critical in cyber hygiene, the underlying technology and tools must be correctly implemented and integrated. And while there are thousands to choose from, there are basic tools (at a minimum) that every security team requires. These include anti-virus, firewalls, endpoint protection, email security, web security, DDoS security, network access control (NAC), etc. Risk Management Program: Risk management has to permeate throughout an organization's culture and processes for it to effectively address known risks. This is an on-going cycle that entails identifying, prioritizing, and mitigating risks, all while monitoring for new risks and continuously assessing the risk management program's effectiveness. There is no set it and forget it in security - it's an always-on approach that wins. Corrective Action Planning: The goal of most security programs is to reduce risk. This goal is achieved by stopping the adversary before they attack, blocking bad actors through always-on security, or reducing the consequences if an attack should occur with rapid incident response. All of these components require extensive planning to prioritize and plan to address security risks as they arise - before the adversary is inside the perimeter.

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