
Definitive Guide To Private Cloud

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28 When you deploy a new application, it can be hard to predict what the demand or the resource requirements are upfront. It often makes sense to put these applications in the cloud initially so they can get the resources they need, and then move them on-premises once those needs are understood, especially if resource demands turn out to be predictable. Many companies are initiating large numbers of develop- ment projects to create new applications and services as part of their digital transformation efforts. Only a handful of such projects are likely to succeed and deliver a high return on the initial investment. By developing and deploying those applications in the cloud, you can minimize upfront capital outlays. Applications that succeed may eventually become good candidates to move on-premises; applications that don't do well can simply fade away. ECONOMICS OF THE NUTANIX ENTERPRISE CLOUD Because the Nutanix Enterprise Cloud is built with the same web-scale architecture as the public cloud, it offers many of the same advantages—including agility. It's easier to move applications to and from enterprise cloud than it is with traditional infrastructure. Because the infrastructure scales easily, capacity and growth are less of a worry. Nutanix Prism can show you your runway and predict exactly when you'll need to order additional systems. It even recommends the hardware you should choose. As Figure 3 illustrates, Calm and Prism can also show you how much money you are spending in the public cloud and simplify your on-premises versus cloud decision-making process. Because Nutanix powered solutions runs on-premises, you have lower fixed costs for running enterprise applications with predictable resource demands. You're not metered on whether a VM is up or down. And, because it provides the agility that your business may have been lacking before, it eliminates the pressure to move everything to the cloud, allowing you to make smarter decisions about what to run where. By making it possible to see exactly what your costs are on-premises versus in the cloud, Calm and Prism take the guesswork out of the on-premises versus cloud decision.

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