
Definitive Guide To Private Cloud

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Page 23 of 35

24 Integrating with Cloud Service Providers The Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Platform also enables you to integrate with the rapidly growing number of Nutanix X-Powered Service Providers. Nutanix X-Powered Service Providers bring the agility and scalability advantages of the Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Plat- form to cloud datacenters, increasing application service levels and reducing your risk. By choosing a Nutanix X-Powered Service Provider, you can make sure that your applications run smoothly while delivering greater value for users. You can respond faster to new requirements and react rapidly to business changes. New employee onboarding becomes effortless, and acquisitions can be handled without the worry of extended time tables. Grow your footprint—even 2x or 3x—without the long lead times that would usually be required with traditional cloud service providers. Nutanix scales out quickly, allowing Nutanix X-Powered Service Providers to react to your growing business needs faster than their competition. Nutanix X-Powered infrastructure eliminates the need for planned downtime, delivering two major benefits: • Your business doesn't have to be designed around your service provider's maintenance schedule. • X-Powered Service Providers are first to receive the latest features and performance enhancements, improving your application performance and availability over time. Nutanix X-Powered Service Providers offer a cloud experience with features unavailable from other providers. A variety of services is available to accommodate everything from high-security environments to healthcare IT.

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