
Definitive Guide To Private Cloud

Issue link: https://insights.oneneck.com/i/1380812

Contents of this Issue


Page 11 of 35

12 Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Delivers Better DevOps Outcomes Nutanix Enterprise Cloud is the ideal platform for organizations moving to DevOps. By eliminating the fragmentation that comes with traditional IT infrastructure, Nutanix reduces infrastructure complexity, creating a platform that's highly resilient, easy to automate, and simple to monitor and troubleshoot. With Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Platform, every member of your team can understand and perform infrastructure tasks—no IT superstars required. The result is smoother operations and less friction, resulting in faster time to delivery and higher quality. Notable among the many DevOps-friendly features are: • Built-in self-service through Nutanix Calm, plus support for many other self-service platforms • Self-healing architecture eliminates fire drills and reduces downtime • Advanced data management with snapshots, replication and clones • Data services with support for containers and file and block services • Integrated virtualization with AHV plus multi-hypervisor support In addition, Nutanix is addressing the three primary networking challenges that affect networks and network security in DevOps environments: • Orchestrating the network to automatically adapt to dynamic application needs • Securing the network from internal threats—without adding complexity • Visualizing the network design and network health in an application-centric manner Nutanix Calm completes the DevOps picture with native application orchestration and lifecycle management that manage everything in the application environment, not just the VMs. Calm's application-centric capabilities give DevOps teams: • A single language for application modeling using application blueprints • Unified management and governance across on-premises and cloud • Democratized operations that eliminate IT personnel bottlenecks

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