
Definitive Guide To Private Cloud

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Page 9 of 35

10 SELF SERVICE AND GOVERNANCE The Nutanix Marketplace enables complete self-service for your Nutanix Enterprise Cloud environment. Users can consume pre-integrated blueprints or custom blueprints that have been published to the marketplace. This gives application owners and developers the ability to request IT services and have them be instantly provisioned. Role-based governance allows user operations to be limited based on assigned permissions. All activities and changes across the entire infrastructure stack are centrally logged for end-to-end traceability and debugging, aiding security teams with key compliance initiatives. Department and group- level chargeback and cost controls allow you to carefully monitor IT expenses across public and private clouds. Calm includes budgeting tools that reduce IT negotiations to an easy-to-understand number, allowing you to control user behavior through service costs. For example, if you have a preferred database, you can encourage people to adopt that database by making it free, or less expensive than alternatives. Figure 3. Calm provides detailed cost accounting on a team and application basis across clouds.

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