
Definitive Guide To Private Cloud

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35 CREATE YOUR ENTERPRISE CLOUD When it comes to creating a cloud to meet your enterprise needs, you have two choices: build or buy. If you decide to outsource your cloud, be sure and weigh all the pros and cons and do a careful analysis of the full costs. If you are building your own cloud, you need to consider your architectural options carefully. Conventional architec- ture with separately sourced servers, storage, and storage networks may be familiar to your IT team, but it can have significant management overhead and scaling can be difficult. In the end, it may not deliver the agility your business needs. Many enterprises are discovering that hyperconverged infra- structure—built on the same principles as the big public clouds —provides much greater agility, dramatically simplifies manage- ment, and scales more easily. All these factors also make it more suitable for cloud management and self-service software. The Nutanix Enterprise Cloud may be the ideal IT infrastructure for your cloud needs. Nutanix accelerates your organization's journey to the cloud, turning your datacenter into a flexible and scalable asset. The 100% software-defined, hypercon- verged Nutanix solution brings the benefits of web-scale technologies to enterprise clouds at any scale so you can: • Deploy secure cloud infrastructure in hours with validated turnkey designs • Reduce administrative overhead with VM-centric operations and centralized management • Start small and seamlessly scale your cloud to hundreds of nodes • Use Nutanix Calm for application lifecycle management, cloud orchestration, and self-service • Easily integrate with other popular cloud and orchestration stacks you may already be using

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