
Definitive Guide To Private Cloud

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4 AN ENTERPRISE PERSPECTIVE ON CLOUD Cloud services are disrupting the status quo for enterprise IT. Many enterprises are in the midst of a digital transformation, seeking to engage with customers and satisfy their needs through digital technologies. Line of Business managers, application developers, and IT leaders tasked with achieving these goals are attracted by the public cloud, but when they bypass enterprise IT in favor of public cloud alone, it creates a host of security, data protection, and compliance concerns. What's needed is a platform that merges the agility, simplicity, and control of public cloud services with the reliability, DR, and predictable workloads of a private cloud and is capable of meeting all your IT needs from core datacenters to the edge of your network. To deliver on the promise of digital transformation, you need a unified infrastructure that fuses public and private cloud with the latest technology trends such as distributed and edge computing. This gives you the flexibility to sup- port new technologies and data driven analytics where you need them while avoiding the potential problems associated with "shadow IT" and enabling your IT team to deliver the services and user experience customers want. IT teams are looking at a combination of private cloud and public cloud services—what is commonly referred to as a hybrid cloud —to meet these needs. According to IDC's CloudView Survey , 79.7% of large organi- zations have already adopted a hybrid cloud IT strategy. A combination of on-premises IT services and cloud-based services can deliver substantial business benefits and give your company a competitive edge over less nimble rivals. For many companies, rolling out a new service or applica- tion can still take weeks or even months as the request passes from the server team to the storage team to the networking team. Datacenter Evolution

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