
Definitive Guide To Private Cloud

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26 Cloud Economics Nutanix hears from a lot of potential customers who want to adopt a cloud-first strategy to save money. However, our experience has been that there are many situations where the cloud is not a money saver. When you factor in all the costs—including getting the performance you need, data protection costs, and other variables—it can be twice as much to run predictable workloads in the cloud. So why are so many enterprises going to the cloud? In a word, agility. When end users are frustrated by enterprise IT, they turn to the cloud to get the resources they need quickly because the benefit outweighs the cost. In this chapter, we discuss how to determine which apps to run on-premises and which apps to run in the cloud to maximize the benefits of both. HOW DO YOU TAKE THE BEST ADVANTAGE OF PUBLIC CLOUD AND CLOUD SERVICE PROVIDERS? When you ask Nutanix for advice on this question, we advise you to take a strategic look at what you want to accomplish before considering individual applications. Create a cloud decision matrix that includes all the factors that need to go into your decision to move an application from your datacenter to a cloud service provider. This includes assessing likely costs and whether an application is ready for the cloud: • Can the application be containerized? • Can the application consume and release resources as needed or is it persistent? • What's the I/O pattern? Steady or fluctuating? High or low? • Does the application scale vertically or horizontally? • Does the application consume more and more resources over time in a way that you can't control or limit? • Does the application depend on an ecosystem of other applications?

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