Mee ng Today's Needs, Preparing for Tomorrow's Opportuni es, but with
Yesterday's Infrastructure
As today's IT leaders grapple with this challenge, a clear solu on has arisen in
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Whether it's a hybrid approach to IaaS that es your
in-house resources to a cloud-based approach, or a straight IaaS approach, IaaS can
help solve some of these complex challenges by bringing:
Dynamic Scalability. Resources are available when you need them with no need to
maintain excess capacity on your premises.
Improved security, availability and compliance. Take advantage of an IaaS cloud
provider exper se, infrastructure and processes.
Enterprise-class performance. Guaranteed service delivery with wri en service-level
agreements (SLAs).
Focus on strategic IT. Offload rou ne infrastructure management to simplify
opera ons and gain the freedom to focus on IT ini a ves that bring real value to your
organiza on.
Lower total cost of ownership (TCO). Shi from a capital expenditure model to an
opera ng expenditure model and pay only for what you use, when you use it.
Increased agility to take advantage of new opportuni es quickly. Achieve con nuous
innova on through your cloud provider without new capital investment so you can
react quickly to change and new opportuni es.
But remember, not all IaaS offerings are created equal.
Commodity-based services are typically hindered by cloud compu ng architectures
that limit flexibility and workload mobility. They provide best-effort performance
and may offer insufficient SLAs. O en security, compliance, and data privacy are
inadequate as well.
At OneNeck, we believe that an IaaS cloud
solu on must:
• Offer enterprise-class performance and
• Provide end-to-end, immersive security.
• Have independently-validated scalability.
• Offer reliable, financially-backed SLAs.
• Always include 24/7/365 support.
• Never lose sight of ongoing innova on.