
The Definitive Guide to Desktop as a Service

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Desktop Simplicity and Agility With Xi Frame, everything runs in an HTML5-capable browser window, so there's no proprietary client software to install. Any device capable of running a supported web browser—including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge and others—should be capable of connecting to Xi Frame. This enables users to be almost instantly productive from nearly any device whether that device is a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. From an administrative standpoint, Nutanix makes it easy to get started, easy to add new software or support new integrations for identity, networking, and storage, and simple to scale your environment up or down. Most changes take effect in a matter of seconds or minutes, not days or weeks. Users that are active when a change is made will see the change in their next session. (Chapter 5 explains both the user and the administrator experience in more detail.) Performance Without Compromise Xi Frame is designed to ensure that your users are always as productive as possible, even in high-latency and low-bandwidth conditions. A foundational part of the platform, the Frame Remoting Protocol, is designed to deliver maximum performance across networks of all types using adaptive quality of service (adaptive QoS) and adaptive codecs. Xi Frame provides a pragmatic balance between image quality and bandwidth that works well for delivering both rapidly changing video content and high-resolution graphics. Frame users can see network performance metrics and have the ability to manually tune default settings to address marginal network conditions. (You can enable or disable access to this capability.) With some DaaS solutions, multiple users share a single virtual machine (VM). Xi Frame allows you to allocate a VM to each user, eliminating "noisy neighbor" effects and ensuring consistent performance.  For demanding applications including CAD, 3D modeling, and computational software, Frame provides options for GPU and multi-GPU sessions. Many Xi Frame customers use the platform for high-end, GPU-driven applications at up to 60 frames per second. Both administrators and end users can switch between CPU and GPU instances from the Frame console as needed. Security First The Xi Frame platform is designed to meet the most stringent security demands. By eliminating the need for client-side software or plugins, Frame also eliminates a critical point of vulnerability. All communication between the end user's browser and the cloud service is encrypted with TLS and 2048-bit public key certificates. Xi Frame offers SOC2 type II compliance, supports FIPS mode, and is FedRAMP Ready. Core tenets of Frame security include: • Small Attack Surface. Xi Frame minimizes the available attack surface by using well-known, structured APIs, limiting communication to a minimum set of ports and protocols, and using automated and repeatable design patterns. • Isolation by Design. Xi Frame separates and isolates system components into small, discrete units. Any unwanted or malicious changes that occur during a user session (including zero-day threats) are eradicated when the session ends and don't persist. This makes it more difficult for external actors to implement exploits to reach your data. • Security at Scale. The Xi Frame platform automatically handles infrastructure scaling to ensure your desired security model is maintained at scale. From one user to thousands of users, a consistent security profile is maintained for your entire deployment. | 14

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