
The Definitive Guide to Desktop as a Service

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Powering on the Sandbox takes you to the Sandbox desktop. From the Sandbox desktop you can easily add applications to make them accessible to users. Doing so is an extremely simple process: • Upload the installer using the browser on the Sandbox desktop or access from a cloud drive • Install and onboard the application following Xi Frame's prompts. • Test the application from the Sandbox desktop Once you've made all the desired changes to the Sandbox, you have to publish those changes to have them take effect for users. The publishing process accomplishes three things: • It creates a backup of the current Gold Master in case you need to rollback. • It creates a Gold Master from your updated Sandbox. • It pushes Master Image out to VMs running in the Production Pool. Once the publishing process completes, the changes take effect. Users who were active when publishing occurred will see the changes take effect on the next login. Production Pools Xi Frame uses Production Pools to ensure that resources are available for users who need them without having more instances than necessary sitting idle. This helps you control your Xi Frame costs. Each Production Pool consists of VMs of a specific instance type. This allows you to support the needs of different types of users ranging from, for example, customer support workers to power users that need multi-GPU capabilities. Each Production Pool is controlled by three main settings: • Min (minimum). The minimum number of instances that are powered on at a given time, ready to accept sessions. • Buffer. The number of extra instances waiting ready for users. • Max (maximum). The maximum number of concurrent users you want to allow for this type. To understand how these setting work together, consider a pool where min is 5, buffer is 3, and max is 20. • When no users are connected, there are always 5 instances (min) waiting idle. If 3 users connect, the number of idle instances falls to 2. Since that's below buffer (3), Xi Frame starts another instance. • As more users connect, Xi Frame continues to start additional instances to ensure that the set number of idle instances is maintained until the number of active instances plus idle instances reaches max. Xi Frame also lets you schedule exceptions to these elastic scaling parameters for certain times of day or days of the week. For example, you may want your minimum and buffer reduced to zero at night, if you don't expect any users to connect, or there may be a particular time of day when you expect a large number of users. | 20

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