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It takes an enormous amount of me and effort for your IT team to wrestle with all these challenges while s ll handling their day-to-day ac vi es. But the right strategic partner can supplement your team's efforts to create a more complete BC plan or fully take on the responsibility of planning and unburdening them to focus on their primary responsibili es. Look for a BC strategy partner with these five characteris cs to make sure you're ge ng the right exper se and support for your business: • Verifiable experience with BC and DR- Success leaves clues. So does failure. Choose a BC partner with extensive, verifiable experience in both BC and DR planning. Look for organiza ons with a wide range of partners and clients spanning mul ple markets, industries and sectors they can reference for context, lessons learned and measurable business outcomes. • Deep understanding the of the en re infrastructure lifecycle- Modern IT environments are complex, mul faceted and require a breadth of experience and knowledge. Choose a partner that demonstrates extensive exper se of on-premise, hybrid and hosted cloud environments, as well as how they all fit together. Effec ve BC planning demands a deep understanding of applica on and system dependencies, infrastructure redundancy, and best prac ces for aligning resources to support core business func ons during a crisis. • Comprehensive por olio of products and services- BC planning demands more than just an air- ght strategy. It also needs the infrastructure, tools and technologies to opera onalize it when or if the me comes. Seek a partner with a range of products and services like data center solu ons, connec vity, and consul ng and implementa on teams to address every aspect of your BC plan. • Partners with partners- No organiza on is an island unto itself. Choose a BC planning partner with an extensive list of its own partners, including globally recognized and proven manufacturers in specific business func ons like security, automa on, data center, cloud and more. • Flexibility and agility- Not all BC consul ng firms are created equal. Some work only with customers of certain sizes or in specific markets while others serve larger customer audiences with a one-size-fits-all methodology. Instead, look for a partner with the flexibility, adaptability and agility to tailor their services to your specific needs — no ma er how big or small or which industry or sector you're in. Be er Con nuity Planning with a Partner 9 05