
After the Disaster

Issue link: https://insights.oneneck.com/i/1356940

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Re-evaluate what's really important Businesses evolve over me. Con nuity plans should too. Business func ons that were once considered too important to lose may now be more expendable. So you should regularly reexamine how you define essen al core business func ons and priori ze building con nuity plans around them. Test or review BC plans regularly, at least annually Like the smoke detector in your house whose ba eries need tes ng and occasionally replacing, con nuity plans should be tested regularly and replaced too. Put your BC plan to the test, at minimum, once a year, if not quarterly to ensure that the processes and procedures are s ll appropriate and suppor ve of your essen al business needs.that combats data decay. Segregate disasters ito categories and plan for each one Not all disasters are created equal, so BC planning shouldn't be a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, you should define a complete range of possible disasters — global pandemics, natural disasters, worker's strikes and others — and establish baseline strategic concepts for how each might be addressed. Calculate poten al business impact of each disaster No organiza on is immune to the poten ally devasta ng financial implica ons of a crisis. But fundamentally, some financial losses are easier to absorb than others, which is why it's crucial to calculate the projected impact of a business interrup on in dollars and cents. Pu ng a monetary figure on various business func ons will help clarify which are truly mission cri cal and in need of the most planning and a en on. Conduct risk analyses on various aspects of the business Certain categories of disasters or interrup ons may only affect a single aspect of your business, while others may impact every team in your organiza on. A thorough risk assessment helps you understand specifically which business func ons are most at risk, to what extent they might be impacted, and how to priori ze resource alloca on should a catastrophe strike. 1 STEP 3 STEP 5 STEP 2 4 STEP STEP Best Prac ces to Building a Business Con nuity Plan If your IT team wants to take on the challenge themselves, here are some best prac ces to consider if you want to get it right. 7 oneneck.com 03

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