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AlertLogic.com H OW TO C H O OSE A N E FFEC T I V E M A N AG E D D E T EC T I O N A N D R E SP O N SE (M D R ) PR OV I D E R 2 Successful breaches, and their resulting damage and repercussions, continue to rise. At the same time, technology and cybersecurity are also evolving, and the threat landscape keeps expanding with new tools and techniques as attackers adapt. Effective detection and response are crucial because no organization will ever be 100% protected against all cyber attacks, no matter how much they invest in security. Cybersecurity providers offer a variety of point solutions to address specific security concerns. However, the complexity, cost, and staffing necessary to manage it all effectively mean that no matter how good the tools are, this approach typically falls short. Cyber attacks use automation, social engineering, and multi-faceted tactics to bypass security tools and avoid detection, requiring constant vigilance by experts who understand the threats and know what to look for. To address these challenges, the security landscape has shifted from a purely tools- based approach to also provide the services necessary to use these tools effectively. The need for more effective protection has driven the rise of managed detection and response (MDR) – a combination of platforms, services, and expertise designed to help quickly identify attacks and take the appropriate action to prevent or mitigate damage. The primary goal of MDR is to reduce the likelihood or impact of successful attacks. There are many providers attempting to address this market by offering MDR services, but not all MDR is created equally. This MDR buyer's guide will help you and your organization understand what to look for when comparing managed detection and response providers and partner. By examining the functions and capabilities MDR must deliver, this buyer's guide will equip you with the questions to ask before making a go-forward decision. By 2025, 50% of organizations will be using MDR services for threat monitoring, detection and response functions that offer threat containment capabilities." 1 $0 $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140 $0 $0.5 $1.0 $1.5 $2.0 $2.5 $3.0 $3.5 2012 2011 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Cybersecurity Investments ($B) Cybercrime Losses ($B) Growing Security Investments with Growing Losses Sourced from FBI IC3 Annual Reports 1 Gartner, "Market Guide for Managed Detection and Response Services," Toby Bussa, et al., 26 August 2020

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