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© 2020 Alert Logic, Inc. The information contained in this document is confidential and only for the use of the intended recipient. You may not publish or redistribute this document without advance permission from Alert Logic. H OW TO C H O OSE A N E FFEC T I V E M A N AG E D D E T EC T I O N A N D R E SP O N SE (M D R ) PR OV I D E R 5 6. What Types of Dashboards and Reporting are Available? Your MDR solution must, first and foremost, reduce the likelihood or impact of successful attacks. Ultimately though, you also need to effectively report on the state of your cybersecurity posture and demonstrate compliance with industry and regulatory frameworks. Effective MDR must include reporting that is credible and useful. It must provide the details and information you need for requirements like compliance, governance, and risk reporting – coordinating and correlating information from different systems across your environment, so it can be clearly presented and understood. Ask the MDR provider: Do you provide dashboards and reporting for a simple, at-a-glance view of your current security posture? Are there separate dashboards for key metrics? Can you drill down in the dashboards and reports to get more context and detail? Are the reports easily accessible and consumable? Technology + Experts = Outcomes As you evaluate MDR solutions and providers, keep in mind that MDR should be easy to deploy and integrate network, log, and endpoint-based detection technologies with continuous threat intelligence and active threat hunting. The MDR provider should offer 24/7 monitoring and support and have dedicated security experts with the capabilities and credentials to deliver the level of protection you require, now and in the future. Cybersecurity is complex and challenging, but with the right technology and expertise, it is a challenge that can be effectively managed. A true MDR partner will keep constant vigilance on your environment, so you can focus on business outcomes and not security concerns. To learn more about Alert Logic MDR, visit alertlogic.com/MDR

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