
Five Essential Steps to Successful Data Modernization

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Should I go it alone or with a partner? Despite what you may have been told, you don't absolutely need to involve a third-party partner or consultant in your data moderniza on efforts, but many organiza ons realize quickly that they lack some or all of the key assets for doing it on their own. In par cular, they may not have data moderniza on or data opera ons experts on staff. And, if they do, there's a good chance that there's not many of them and that those resources are preoccupied with other priori es or job responsibili es. In those cases, it's a good idea to engage with a partner with extensive experience and exper se in modern IT infrastructure, data opera ons, and future-proofing businesses. What to look for in a data moderniza on partner If you elect to involve a partner in your data moderniza on efforts, consider partners with extensive and verifiable experience in data opera ons and working with an array of tools, solu ons, and pla orms. Look for teams that take a more holis c approach to solving your business needs, including deep-dive discovery sessions and thorough road mapping to provide turn-by-turn direc ons for your data des na on. Lastly, look for a partner that can become an extension of your organiza on, including providing learning and development opportuni es to help your team take on some of the work themselves that they previously weren't equipped to handle. OneNeck IT Solu ons has decades of experience and deep exper se spanning pla orms and environments that combine to deliver data moderniza on services capable of mee ng virtually any goal or objec ve. OneNeck's big-picture, holis c approach to data moderniza on involves deploying subject ma er and technology experts to analyze your current data state and create a project-by-project plan for extrac ng the most value out of your data — now and into the future so you can rapidly adapt and evolve as your business needs change. 9 oneneck.com 04

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